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Русский Русский NikLines - License English English

between the author of program NikLines Nikolay Ryabov
and the user (distributor) of the program.

  1. The program NikLines is distributed free-of-charge. It means, that it can freely be copied and distributed by any way.
  2. The program NikLines is distributed according to a principle "as is", standard in the international practice of development and distributions of the software. It means, that for problems which can arise at installation and using the program, the author of the program (and the distributor at observance of rules this license agreement) do not bear the liability, though from their side everything that problems have not arisen is made.
  3. The user has no right somehow to change the program. Modification, disassembling, decompiling and other changes of the program are forbidden.
  4. Installation and distribution of the program means, that the user (distributor) agrees with conditions of this license agreement.
  5. If the user (distributor) disagrees with conditions of the license agreement he should remove all files of the program from a computer.
  6. All rights on the program NikLines belong to Nikolay Ryabov.
  7. In case conditions of this license agreement contradict the legislation of your country, use (distribution) of the program is forbidden.
  8. Infringement of clauses 3, 6, 7 of this license agreement is pursued under the law.
  9. Author of NikLines reserves the right to himself to change conditions of the license.

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NikLines, free lines game, 5 balls game
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